
Lexcity – Electronic Exhibit Marking

eDepoze, Lexicty’s paperless deposition software, allows attorneys and their teams to take the paper out of depositions, trials, witness prep, arbitrations, mediations, and hearings as well.  Firms across the country are using Lexcity to mark, distribute, and present exhibits electronically at all those events, then manage exhibits and collaborate with their case team between events, all from a single database.

Some of the things attorneys love about Lexcity:

Easy to use.  Know how to use a smartphone?  You can use Lexcity.

Fits how you work.  Lexcity doesn’t force you to learn a new process.  It takes the process you already use with paper exhibits and makes it better.

Brings mobile to life.  Parties can participate in events remotely and receive their copy of the exhibit just like they were in the room.  And if you need more documents during an event, they can be uploaded on the fly without taking a break and waiting on a fax or an email.

Eliminates the hassle of paper.  No more copying, shipping or lugging paper to and from deposition or other events.


Follow this link to see a short video on this amazing exhibit marking and sharing software.